AL-Khwarizmi and the society

 One of the recognizable remarks in academic institutions that represents its presence is the reaction with the society in all its spectrums and levels whether in state or private sector.

AL-Khwarizmi college of engineering since the time of establishment and now continues to be close to Iraqi society in general and Baghdadi society in particular. Also, it was keen to immerse its students in their academic undergraduate stages of private and state productive institutions.

It is worth mentioning that scientific picnics organized by the college for the sake of student’s benefits were and still one of most important out-door activities in order to help them  mentally drawing the image of industrial reality and to develop proactive thoughts about the roles they can occupy in future after graduation that in turn reflects positively on society and meets its need since their specialties are unique in this college.

Aside from what is mentioned above, faculty members in the college have contributed in activities promoted the role of academic institutions in society such as their contribution in organizing scientific fairs like International Baghdad fair and in consultant committees through which presented its services to important ministries like MOH, ministry of industry and minerals, science and technology ministry, Transport ministry, and oil ministry.

In addition to the above, they also have membership in several domestic and global scientific journals as an editor or reviewer. Needless to say, that those journals considered one of supportive scientific research engines of production and industrial institutions.

In regard to the basic role of the college based on educational framework is students’ projects whereas most projects of senior and higher studies students are in the field of industrial production of oil, food processing, communication, Health, and electricity sectors.

Also, the college had scientific and researching partnerships with domestic and international institutions in addition to other industrial and productive institutions in which emphasized its presence with these entities as a significant partner.