Dr. Heba Mohamed Fadel and Lecturer Ahmed Mohamed Sahib, both affiliated with the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, took part in the MESM’2023 International Conference. This event, the eighteenth in the MESM series, was organized by EUROSIS in collaboration with Al-Farahidi University, the University of Baghdad, Al-Nahrain University, University of Technology, and Istanbul Medipol University. The researchers presented their study titled “MACHINE LEARNING-BASED AUTISM DETECTION: CATEGORIZATION OF ASD DATA FOR EARLY DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT ACCESS.” Their investigation focused on developing a precise system for the early detection of autism spectrum disorder using machine learning techniques. The research involved the analysis of medical models and the application of natural language processing methods to categorize individuals affected by ASD. The results demonstrated a high level of effectiveness through various classification models, including LR, DT, RF, KNN, SGD, and SVM. This study underscores the potential of machine learning to enhance accurate diagnosis and facilitate early interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

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