The Mechatronics Engineering Department at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering recently coordinated a scientific excursion to the Iraqi Airways Company located at Baghdad International Airport. Led by Prof. Maher Yahya Salloum and a team of esteemed professors, the visit aimed to foster scientific collaboration and provide students in the third and fourth stages with practical insights to bridge the gap between theory and application within the mechatronics engineering curriculum.

The visiting delegation, comprising both professors and students, was warmly welcomed by the Director of the Company’s Training and Development Department. Accompanied by specialized engineers, the group received in-depth explanations on aircraft inspection, maintenance, and safety procedures before and after flights. The delegation also toured the aircraft’s electronic equipment maintenance workshop and the aircraft maintenance den. Engineer Mohammad delivered a comprehensive overview of the meticulous inspection and maintenance processes, covering both mechanical and electronic aspects, necessary to prepare an aircraft for service.

Expressing gratitude at the conclusion of the visit, the delegation commended the company’s employees for their hospitality and cooperation.

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